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HAVE FUN !!!. dtal

link info
@=New section added
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Hello everyone, dtal tries to collect as many USEFULL and/or
FREE software program links on the internet as possible .
Also dtal tries to gather as much information as possible about web design.
Becausse this was where it all got started.I wanted to create a site just like the ones on the internet.
In the beginning I thought that you had to go to a specified school to get the knowledge
about creating a "Homepage".
Offcourse this wasn't so... you just had to go surf on the net to the right adresses.
Yeah and there you go again ; "the right adresses"?
Well you should not worrie anymore becausse here you will find a lot of them.
Check the sections on the left and hopefully you find what you need .
Ther's also a FORUM where you could post your question or read about the ones from others
al I can say is enjoy your stay !!!
Got some information or something to share follow this link
" HERE "